Sunday, July 17, 2011

Independence Day

I love America. I love the 4th of probably runs second to Christmas. Typically we grill at my sister's house, however, all agreed we grill where The Egg is now. Seriously that is the consensus. So it fell to me to get bring the American spirit, of which my sister does a FABULOUS job and I won't lie, I felt the pressure, I did okay, but I don't know if I can ever really top her style!

Family in attandance: My Mom & Dad, Ted Zmak, Amy & Drew, Emily Gleason (who's family was away and was hanging with Drew & Amy) and from California Jordan's Uncle Don and Aunt Marilynn! (Rand & Nyla were at the cabin, lovin' on the J2 Family.) I should have taken a picture of the food! It was all mostly homemade. We had tri tip, grilled on the Egg, and it was DEEELISH. In addition: watermelon, homemade potato salad, homemade chocolate chip cookies, and homemade ice cream. I have to wonder if we'll be going back to hot dogs and burgers next year?!?

Our latest tradition, 2 years running has been, to head down to the CHS field and watch the fire work show. It is great to be right under the fire works, the crowd really isn't that bad, it is so small town and something I love.

 The only person cooler for Aaron to be with than Papa Goossen...Emily Gleason. 

My always awesome family.

 Love these girls! :-)

Don't know how I got this picture of this firework, but I thought it was pretty cool.

I think Aaron like the fireworks, those hands were on his face till it ended, regardless he was safe in Papa's arms.

Last but not least, my man. I love him for a thousand reasons. 
Glad to have this handsome picture of him.

With camping the few days before, Lunch on the Lawn at church plus a great 4th of July Service and our holiday BBQ, it was the best 4th to date. Can't wait for next year!

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