Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cabin 2011 Part 1: J&M

Our vacation at Lake Wenatchee this year was fabulous, much needed, and full of fun and relaxation. There are so many pictures, as is generally the case when we go to the cabin, that I have been wrestling with how to post them to our family blog. I finally decided to post our vacation in parts. So part one is all about me and my man.

This when our trip began, that time is PM by the way!

We got this crazy idea in our heads to leave at night. We thought our very talkative children would sleep and make the 5 hour drive quieter for us. It was a semi-success. The only hiccups were that we left later than we planned (ya, you family should write that down somewhere about Jordan & I!!) and baby A was  CAR SICK. I think we had at least 3 maybe 4 vomits, the first came while he was sound asleep! Then we think it messed up his ears and he continued to vomit for several days. Poor Baby A!

Jordan & I rarely have pictures together, however on this trip we managed to get a few! The one below is from Baren House in Leavanworth. I always like to go to Leavanworth when at the cabin.

This next one of us one is at Wenatchee State Park beach. There is a rather nice play ground that the kids enjoy there as well. On this particular day we had the good fortune to witness 3 kite boarders launch. It was super cool and something Jordan has wanted to see!

Jordan's vacation hight light I am sure is motorcycle riding. He road the Nason Ridge Trail, found a huge pine tree that he remembered from being a kid, and basically had a great time.

Last but not least, I also did all things that I love to do at the cabin. Early morning runs are quickly becoming a new favorite, but nothing really tops taking my sand chair down to the water, along with my favorite book, drink and towel. Then to read, to swim, or to sleep, or all of the above! Okay, this is not the most flattering picture of me, but oh the relaxation that it represents!!

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