Sunday, July 17, 2011


I used to wonder why people drove so long (3hrs--that is long to me) to go to the North Fork of the Clearwater river, now I know. It is beautiful. What made it even more beautiful was the fact that we were able to borrow a trailer!! It was dry camping, no improvements. Just knowing there was going to be a bathroom I could use changed everything!! 

We camped with our small group friends the Newhouse's and Hoffman's. Much to our chagrin the Elskamp's couldn't make it. We are sure blessed to have small group friends who are also awesome camping friends. We rounded the trailers and it only took minutes to know that we wanted to come back and the weekend hadn't even really begun!

As every camper with kids knows, being with other families with kids is a plus, they keep each other occupied and it is well worth the occasional spat. 

This was funny to me, Ryan announced he was ready to cook dinner and all the kids got their chairs, drug them over to his road trip and sat down like an audience and watched him grill.

One of the high lights of the weekend was the "ghost story time" told by Brian. He gave the kids a good scare and it was great, well to me at least. My boys slept just fine, can't say the same for others, ha ha ha.

In case you are not sure this is a combination of fear & focus in my boys. This was another one, of many moments, in the seven years of having boys where I thought, this is not what I would like, but they LOVED it, and wanted to know more at the end. I am raising boys, and there are days that I just don't get them.

My personal hight light was my trail run. My first trail run, was of course, love at first step. I wish I had had a gun or a guy to go with me, I would have ran farther. I went 20 minutes up this trail then headed back. It was great. No music, no time or pace to think about, just me and the woods. I ran all I could, if a hill was too steep I walked it. It was the most "one with nature" moment I have ever had, and I LOVED it. These few pics are of the trail head.

It all ended too soon. We arrived Thursday afternoon and headed home Saturday night for church on Sunday. It was 4th of July weekend and we were needed at home. My boys weren't ready to let go of the fact that camping was over. Sunday night they wanted to "camp in their rooms." Zach slept all night like that, can you believe it?!! Youth.

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