Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Big Green Egg

It all started with shin splints. Those unhappy, I could think of worse words too, muscle aches that run the run right out of you. After some research and talking with friends it was determined that I needed new running shoes. However, I didn't just have a hundred plus dollars lying around (for shoes, that is). So I sat down at the calendar, looked at my husband and said we are having a yard sale! Saturday, June 25th was the lucky day. The next thing I did was tell my yard selling pro mother, who assessed my plan, gave her 2 cents and her collectibles. The sale was officially on. Once my husband realized my mom was involved he quickly tacked on that the sale was now not only for running shoes, he wanted some proceeds for his dream grilling equipment, A Big Green Egg...and because my husband is such a techie junkie, we took debit and credit cards and used his phone to do it! (yep, and people did it too! About 70 bucks of the total was taken in by swiping cards through the Square on my husbands phone!)

I wish I had taken pictures of the sale! It was actually kinda fun to watch people come and go and my mom sure does know how to sell stuff! As the sale drew to an end my mom kept us all in suspense as she waited for my Dad, myself and Jordan to gather so that she could tell us the total in sales for the day.

We made enough for new running shoes for me, not to mention the difference for a Big Green Egg. All thanks to my mom, she named the location, and brought her things that people bought up like hot cakes. She was amazing to watch not only can she negotiate a sale, she can convince people that they really do need the thing they just picked up. After cleaning up the left over stuff and giving it away we all met up at the Welanco Stove Store and drove home The Egg.

Getting it home was just the beginning. Jordan and my dad worked for a good bit figuring out the stand it goes on.

When that assembly was completed, do you think we just let it sit there! Oh no, we grilled. Steaks of course! The best steaks we have ever eaten. I was skeptical about a grill that cost so much. Could it really grill meat that tasted so much better? Well I learned in one bite that yes, yes it can. I am a believer, and if you'd like to be one too, bring some meat and come on over!

Oh and I mustn't forget Yard Sale unsung heros Rand & Nyla (my in-laws), who kept my kids all day (they actually spent the night the day before) so that we could focus on setting up the Yard Sale early in the morning and then work it all day!

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