Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Easter Sunday 2011

Easter Sunday came this year on the very same weekend as the Asotin County Fair, which made for a very busy, fun and full weekend! I went crazy this year and attempted color coordinating my men. AND as if the the powers that be knew my hearts desire I was able to find matching shirts for Noah and Jordan. He may look back at these in 18 years and cringe but this momma's heart was pretty happy about it!

My Easter Basket tradition is the first pair of flip flops for the spring. I think they like it, not sure they realize yet they have gotten flip flops every Easter for the last several years.

Plastic Easter Egg hunting. Grandma Nyla brought over 80 something eggs!!! (Yes, all candy filled. We still have some candy left as I type this up.) And low and behold, three of those eggs had something a little more exciting than a jelly bean!

Then Grandma Goossen added an new activity to Easter Sunday festivities, bird house painting. Yep, and I still have them out on my shelves.

And last but hardly least, I must include a picture of the ever present and always photogenic Aunt Amy & Uncle Drew

There you have it. Another Easter Sunday for the history books.

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