Thursday, March 25, 2010

Four Bottom Teeth! What?!

Noah is 6 years old. He's started Kindergarten, played T-Ball, sang in his first school concert, and been seriously grounded. So in keeping with all the 6 yr old bench marks we've been waiting, and waiting, and waiting for the day he comes to us and announces his first loose tooth. Other kids have done it, I've heard rumors that it's a normal part of ages 5-6 years, I've had dear friends send picture mail to my phone of the much anticipated "first pulled tooth." So we've been waiting for our turn at the loose tooth.

So you can imagine our surprise when Noah came to us with much excitement and mouth wide open while pointing inside it at the same time saying, "Dad! I've got a new tooth!" What?!! A new tooth?! He hasn't even mentioned a loose tooth! He's skipping steps! What is he talking about? Sure enough, as we peered into his open mouth we discovered that there was breaking through his gum line a brand new permanent tooth AND his baby tooth right where it has always been! In fact if you look closely he's actually getting both lower teeth!

We (actually I, because nothing rattles Jordan, ever) were relieved, after calling the dentist to find that this is not all that uncommon and that his baby teeth should wiggle free soon. In fact today we wiggled one of his lower teeth ourselves to discover that it is in fact loose! Oh the adventures of parenting!