Friday, April 23, 2010

Finally...Teeth Freak No More!

4.20.10 Tuesday. I must admit, I am disappointed. Noah lost his first tooth at Littleseeds. There was no drama. No blood. No anxiety. No string. Nothing. Just a very excited boy showing me a hole in his smile. Now, my only excitement is to document it. I am happy however that he no longer has a freakish double row of bottom teeth, actually...we need the other lower tooth to come out as well for a complete relinquishment of the freakishness, but this is much better!

Also, in good keeping with a male dominated house hold, my other sons could not be out done. If I am going to take a picture of Noah's mouth then Zachery insisted, with mouth wide open, that I take a picture of his teeth too, and the coup de gras was looking over at my baby Aaron in his eating chair with mouth also wide open signaling to me to take his picture too! Boys!!!

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