Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cabin Time Again

Going to Lake Wenatchee is one the best things about summer every year. Sitting in my sand chair on a warm day, doing nothing but soaking in that view is pretty great for my soul. 

One of our first stops was to visit Grandpa Everett on Sunday for his 90th birthday. Super bummed we missed the family party the week before. Boo. 

I noticed this summer that my boys are becoming more camera shy. Shy is not the word. Camera annoyed. Like mom, really, you are gonna make us stop and pose for a picture?! Especially Aaron of all people!! But alas, I was able to capture a few good pics anyway. 

For as long as I can remember these particular items have been sitting on the bathroom shelf.
Which means that is has been a LONG time. This year, which is the second year of the Home Alone 1 & 2 marathons, the big boys just had to try the after shave, which lead to trying the others as well. 
It also lead to them BEGGING ME for their own deodorant for the school year. 
Who turns down a boy begging for deodorant? Not me.

Relaxing.  Relaxing. Relaxing.

I love Leavanworth. So we go. Good husband. 
Apparently if you take your dog to Leavanworth, it means strangers of all kinds and types feel
like they can talk to you whenever they want. No one told me that this would happen if you have a dog, cause you know how much Jordan loves shooting the breeze with total strangers.

Don't let the preciousness of this picture fool you, this was one split second before Jordan turned on his heals and reprimanded Noah for calling Zach a name. Silly boys. 

Boys. Boys. Boys. 

The Future. The Past. 

The 2 hour drive to no where, aka Sugar Loaf. Hysterical. 
Next year we will find it. 
Next year Michelle will turn her navigation on too, sooner.

The week also included fun times with Grandpa Rand, Grandma Nyla and Josh & Heide and family.
Till next year, goodbye cabin.

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