Friday, July 6, 2012

Summer Camp

Camp. Wasn't he just born?! Didn't he just take his first steps? What? He's in school now? He has grown to just below my chin?!! CAMP, he's leaving for 3 nights to camp?!? 
Yep. Time flies. So hard to believe when the baby newborn won't stop crying. But here we are dropping him off at Life Center in Spokane to attend Camp for the first time. 
(June 22, 2012 - June 25, 2012)

He went with his friend Colby Mooney. Noah is posing, of course.
Camp awesome is in his DNA I think. 

We had some family fun times with our friends after we dropped off the boys! First we were introduced to Jimmy Johns in Spokane. Whoa, so good. Wish we had one here in Clarkston. (One can dream)

Zach had his first rides on an escalator! So fun for him. 

After Spokane we went on to Cour De'Alaine. I had my 
very first visit to Cabela's. It so much more than just a sporting goods store!

Then we found some water to play in at the Lake and walked the boardwalk in Cour De'Alaine.
It also happened to be Ironman weekend, so Cour De'Alaine was packed. 

We dropped Noah off on a Friday, and picked him up on Monday. 
The boys were happy to be re-united! 

Token, Aaron cuteness.

Welcome home dinner. Our family tradition was to get our 
favorite meal upon return from camp, I am keeping the tradition alive.
Noah asked for BBQ chicken legs. 

until next year...

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