Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Warning this post will be one of my most self absorbed ones ever, it will be all about ME and what I got. If you are easily given to envy consider yourself warned. (he he he he)

Mother's Day typically isn't my fav. We have always had church, so that means I am up early, out the door, and thinking about how to make all the other moms who attend services feel good. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, this is just one of those little trade offs.

This year due to our Canyons Church launch, I had Mother's Day ALL TO MYSLEF and Jordan, knowing it may never happen again, went all out!

(I must note here we don't do mothers day / fathers day gifts so what follows is all the more a first!)

On Saturday Jordan came home from errands and had the boys deliver me flowers!

Later that day he asked me when I planned to run on Sunday. I said first thing in the morning. A while after that Aaron walks up to me and hands me an iPod nano! I was SUPER excited about that alone, but wait there is more...awhile after I opened up the nano got it charging and synced my playlists, Noah walks up to me and hands me the watch accessory for it! More excitement! So I spent the evening pretty happy, and it wasn't even Sunday yet.

(this photo is for posterity, for the day that I look back and think, remember when I ran.)

On Sunday I got up and went running. When I got home, Jordan had begun breakfast and I experienced yet another first. After helping do my part for breakfast, I sat down and my boys all served me first!! At which point Noah made the quote of the day saying, "Dad! I think this is the first time Mom has gotten a plate of food first ever!

(I did make the kids tell me why they loved me at breakfast which was fun and funny.)

When breakfast was finished Zach walked out and handed me the laptop backpack I had wanted. I couldn't believe it, he had completely purchased my Amazon wish list! I shed a little tear.

The day continued with family lunch which was wonderful. Jordan made my choice for lunch, grilled chicken sandwiches with bacon and avocado on croissants. Then, when all the Mother's Day cards were being handed out, he handed me a bottle of wine from Basalt Cellars, Perimeter Red our favorite from when the winery first opened.

(Funny note from lunch, Aaron who knew it was Mother's Day, walked up to his Grandma Goossen as she walked in and said, "where's the Mother's cake?!" I guess he thought it was like birthdays!)

And that is finally it. The best Mother's Day ever. I already felt blessed to have a great hubby, he just keeps being awesome.


Mother's day lunch activities included the boys playing in the pool Jordan purchased for buddy.
Granny Vola attended lunch as well, which I thought was special. 
I wonder how many more of those we shall have!

Noah 8, Zach 6, Aaron 3 

Mom & Dad 

I really regret not getting a group photo.
I didn't realize I'd make this post and now I want 
that group shot! Shoots. 

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