Friday, April 27, 2012

Do You Love Buddy?

Background: this morning our dog broke through the window screen and ruined my curtains. I was unhappy

Scene (later that day): kids have been sent to their room because they let the dog in by letting him barrel over them at the door (for the zillionth time). I am sitting at the table with my computer. This is what I here:

Z: Hey Noah, I think mom hates our dog!
N: Nooo, she didn't have a dog when she was growing up so she doesn't know what it's like.
Z: Noah, i think our mom only loves Buddy like a millimeter!
N: Zachery. She loves buddy, she just doesn't like him riled up.


N yelling from his bed: mom! do you love buddy?


Me: yes, just not in the house.
N: Ya, okay that is what I thought.

Aaron (3.5) walks up the table, puts his little hand on his chin, leans in and looks his dad right in the eyes and says, "how's work?"

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