Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Loft Bed

My boys are growing, growing, growing and so it was time for new room arrangements. I really needed the space in the room that Aaron & Zachery shared so it was time to put the bunk beds back together for Aaron & Zach to share. This left Noah with out a bed. We thought it would be fun to make him a loft bed, which would also create more space for him in his room as well. 
Here is the journey...

Okay, so at this point it was almost tragic. The mattress we bought didn't fit!! Jordan was
so, so, so sad--so much WORK. The plans, he says, were wrong. 
I can only believe him and it would do no good not to :-) 
Then, after gathering our senses, we switched around some mattresses and one of the other ones worked. It is still a pretty tight squeeze, but at least it works...for now. 
(who knows when i will get that sheet off to wash it!)

Noah is happy with his bed and eagerly awaiting the desk portion yet to be added. 

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