Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cabin 2011 Part 4: Baby A

Okay, one day I will have to stop calling him Baby A, but this is not that day. I feel I have the cutest 2.5 year old ever (writes the biased mom). But just look at him...
(cause that is really what the bulk of this post, is gonna be, looking at Aaron)

I couldn't resist a toilet shot. He's even cute on the toilet.

Being car sick wasn't that cute... neither was waiting 5 days 
for him to quit vomiting. 

Since we are still on not cute, shall I mention my hair?? 
No? Okay. Just keep looking at the kiddo.

Chillin' with his bros.

He insisted that take a picture of his back. He posed for this picture.
I am adding it for posterity.

King of the rock. 
(note: he is not really alone on the rock and he couldn't 
get out there himself. In case anyone wondered.)

King of the lawn chair.

King of campfire

He loves 'ca-merican' flags. 
Or anything remotely resembling one. 

A true star always finds his stage. 
Yep, that little hand on his belly is the down side of a strum. 

One parting comment, this is the trip that he mastered
(and has since continually used) the phrase

counting the days till next summer...

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