Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Lego Progect

Having boys means having Lego bricks. One day I found my oldest son's room so covered in Legos that I couldn't see the carpet.  It was a blow to my fragile type-A psyche that I could not overcome. And so the thought began to haunt me that I've got to get these Legos organized.

To begin this project Googled "Lego organization." When I found the picture/idea I liked best, I presented it to my husband. He began by saying, "as an experienced player of Legos in the way that little boys like to play with Legos" this idea is not best.  He then suggested his idea which was little tubs that they could take with them and pick through as they played and figured out what and how they wanted to build.

Not having experience as a little boy myself, I took his suggestion to heart.  So began the seemingly endless sorting of Legos into like kinds.  It took hours and hours and hours and hours. (And a couple bad dreams.) Lucky for my boys, my mother is a master thrift shopper and consequently we have more Legos than we'd ever be able to purchase new.

Eventually all the Legos were gather into kinds and tubs. This was a happy moment for me.
But even happier is when we got them into Noah's room and I discovered the joy of a label maker. What joy that is!! (My pantry actually was attacked by the label maker immediately after this project was done!)
Best of all is that so far the boys are enjoying the organization. How long it will last I am unsure, but for now this is the way it's gonna be, and that is that.

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