Thursday, January 6, 2011

Financial Peace Jr. Night

On Monday night this week we sat the kids down after dinner and worked through the Financial Peace Junior kit we got them for Christmas.

I can't put into words how cool it was. How proud I was of Jordan talking about money, how proud I was of them for responding so well,  even focusing on the audio CD that came with it. Along with the pride was a good dose of hope as well. Hope for their future. Hope that they will be convinced to give, save, then spend. Hope that they will be convinced that debt is a bad idea. Convinced that they should live on less than they make. These are our values, we learned them the hard way, but perhaps we can spare these guys some pain and pave the way for a better financial future for them. Makes me pretty thankful for Dave Ramsey too!

Of course I can't resist a cute picture of Aaron, who is not quite old enough for the commission system yet, but participated as best he could. 

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