Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Breakfast Encouragement

Today was our annual Women's Christmas Breakfast at our church. I was given the opportunity to give my first little talk on parenting. Our theme was Joy and I was talking about how the joy of parenting is often on the the other side of discipline. Before I left for the breakfast I practiced my (short) talk on my family while they ate their breakfast. At one point I talked about how my fear to discipline is often rooted in my fear that my kids won't love me or like or want to be around me, etc. As I was saying, "will they love me..." Noah, my oldest, threw his hand in the air and said, "of course we will mom!" Which was just great and actually give me the little bit more courage I needed to talk about parenting and discipline. This same son of mine also gave me a good dose of humility about it all by coming home from school with a "problem solving plan" the very same week that I to give this talk. Such is the variety of life!

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