Saturday, December 11, 2010

1st Grade Christmas Concert

Thursday, December 9th was Noah's 1st Grade Christmas Concert at the Clarkston High School Auditorium. Pictured below is Noah, preforming on the xylophone AND I FORGOT MY CAMERA! It was actually worse than that, I thought "ahhh I probably won't need it, he's always in the back row anyway cause he's so tall." Thankfully my phone takes pictures. I didn't know he'd be showing his mad xylophone skills, BECAUSE he said he was playing bells, again to which I thought,"not really gonna see that from the back row." Which brings me to Sienfied. Remember the episode in which George does everything opposite of what he thinks he should and things finally go awesome for him?! Apparently that is what I should do when it come to my kids events and bringing my camera, because I would have LOVED to have this recorded. Alas, I shall recover to live through another school concert...and next year I'll be going to 2, a Kindergarten one AND a 2nd grade one. Trying to not let that little detail blow my mind. Time flies.

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