Sunday, November 21, 2010

Potty Trained. Mostly.

On a Wednesday in November we ran out of diapers. So I thought, let's potty train, it's time, this is my third child. Potty training should be a cinch, right?! 2 down, 1 to go, I got this...I got this! NOPE!! Not even.

I was met with an child who would sit and cry and kick his legs on the toilet while saying, loudly, through tears, "all done, all done, all done, all done" until he was taken off the toilet. Seriously. It was a shock because of all my children this is quite a happy one, so I was a little taken aback by this fit throwing, not to mention potty training my other 2 boys was a BREEZE!!!

So I called in the big guns--his Father, who with his firmness, quickly cured him of fits and showed him how to focus and pee. Seriously, Jordan is the reason we made any progress in potty training! But then there was fits for dad...but fits for me. Well, this mom doesn't like to lose, so while getting lots of M&Ms and praise, toilet fits ended with time outs--nose to the corner--and what do you more fits for mom and a little boy who suddenly wanted to use the potty!

Now he tells us when has to pee, says it this way, "i go boppy." He stands up like a big boy on the stool and pees in the toilet and "makes bubbles." Then when we flush he says, "goodbye bubbles." I'm stunned that something that was so difficult to begin with, is now so easy.
We still have to conquer #2, he's not got that down, may include more time outs and M&Ms but we'll win...we'll win, cause that's the way we roll.

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