Sunday, November 28, 2010

Good heavens, he's 7!

I can't believe 7 years have gone by so fast. Proud of my big boy! Next thing I know he'll be turning 17.
He was super excited to get the Lego Batman game for his DS
A special gift was his first Bible from Grandma Nyla & Papa Rand. He read the inscription out loud to us. Later that afternoon I actually overheard him reading the Bible aloud to himself!
Crazy Lego cake.

My sweet baby of the family...can't help but throw in a picture of him now can I?!

My other 2 favorite boys.

Noah was also surprised by his aunts and uncles with a Lego Set on the day his birthday fell! (We were not planning to celebrate till Sunday and they would have gone home already) He was so excited to get a Lego set that he chanted, "Lego set, Lego set, Lego set, Lego set..." you get the idea.

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