Monday, November 29, 2010

Bible Time with Noah

I had one of those surreal moments tonight with Noah and Zach. It is the kind that while it is happening, you kinda are outside yourself thinking, "is this happening? how do i not ruin it!?" Noah got a Bible for his birthday and tonight he brought it out and wanted to sit on my lap and read it. So we did. Zachery sat next to me and listened. He read out loud the Kids version of the 1 Corinthians 13. Then as we sat together he found another page that was called "Questions Kids Ask" which had questions like, "is the Devil real?" followed by a verse in which to look up the answer. We looked up about 3 of those questions. I was showing him how to find the books of the Bible by chapter and verse. It was so normal and unforced, a real moment about what matters most to us and not a forced moment. And then, as soon as it had happened, it was over.

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