Monday, August 3, 2009

legos come full circle

This picture documents the day that Jordan's childhood Legos were passed down (sorta) to his own boys! It was an exciting moment for everyone. Noah and Zachery were so excited to watch Jordan open that suit case and see the gold mine that was inside!

I have heard for many, many, years that there was such a Lego suit case but had never laid eyes on it until Jordan brought it home the other day!

Currently, Jordan's childhood Legos have not been allowed to descend into the abyss that is the boy's bedroom, however they play with them in the living room regularly. Life with boys is definatly life with Legos!

1 comment:

  1. My pastor just used an illustration in church yesterday about his love for legos. There is definately no age limit when it comes to the love of legos!
