Friday, September 2, 2011

First Day of School

Tuesday, August 30, 2011 :: First Day of School

Dividing all our school supplies in to the proper back packs.

 Outside the house for the "1st Day of School" photo shoot.

Noah insisted on this "take a knee" pose himself. 

Noah at the door of his class

Zach's first walk down the hall at Heights Elementary to class.
Zach's first day was all of 45 minutes. They have a pre-view day 
to meet the teacher, a few students, learn about the year, etc.

This was Zach's actual first day of Kindergarten, he
rode the bus to school with Noah, they were both really 
excited to do so! Aaron would have gone too, if we let him!

We celebrated Zach's 1st day by taking him out to 
lunch, his pick: Burger King, and then to Dairy Queen for a Blizzard.
All in all, a great start to the school year!

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