Friday, February 4, 2011

You've Got Mail!

 This came in the mail a week ago or so. 
It came the week my husband was away all week and I had forgotten to get 
the mail, so who knows when it really arrived, I however got on a Thursday.
It was a rather disappointing Thursday at that. Jordan, my husband, was
supposed be getting back late that night and due to flight delays 
was not coming home till Friday afternoon. I was, after a week of
solo parenting, a bit dejected, to say the least.
This note however, on that very disappointing Thursday,
created a surge of happiness and energy in me with 
the kids.
Noah read the note, from his cousin Henry, out loud to his 
younger brother Zachery.
They immediately wanted to send a letter back to Henry!
So out came whatever I could find for us to make a 
card to send back to Henry. Everyone made a little
something, even Baby A!

Here it is. All said and done. 
 We are hoping our cousin Hen and Auntie Em 
actually have gotten the card before
this blog post appears! 
This concludes how 
my family, hundreds of miles away, brought me 
some sunshine on a rather dreary day.
(It also demonstrates that when some one shows kindness to your children, 
it touches you as well...I am sure there is spiritual lesson in there, 
but that would be a post for another day.)
Special thanks to Emily, Henry, & Isabelle Clare 
(and of course to Jonathan who had he not married Em, 
this post would not be possible)

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