Thursday, October 14, 2010

Baby A's 2nd Birthday

I Suppose at some point I will have to give up the adjective "baby" to describe my youngest boy child. In my pre-child bearing years I was convinced that I could will myself to over come the rule of birth order and not baby the baby but that was before I had 3 children AND a baby of the family who at any moment can melt your heart and tie you up around his little finger with his devilish smile and angel eyes.

As it turns out every new bench mark has been a little harder for me than with the other boys, like putting away the bottle and putting away the pacifiers. I've just found myself wanting to hold on a little bit longer. (however not so with potty training, i'm ready to lose the diaper payments NOW!!) Thankfully, my sons have a daddy who cuts apron strings for me if I don't get to it!

So Aaron's 2nd birthday was a little bit bittersweet. I'm very happy to be moving out of baby land for good, but some what sentimental at the same time. (Not enough however to want to be pregnant again, don't get me wrong!) It's just that I didn't expect that as our family closes the door on one season and opens the door to the next, that it would be a little bit emotional. Right. I'm a girl. I should have seen that comming.

The kids however don't think about any of the sappyness that I just refelcted on above and had a great time. Aaron LOVED EATING his cake and his expressions at opening all his presents were price-less. He is, and hope shall always be, quite a happy pants!

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