Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cabin Time

Ahh the cabin. It seems like it has been a while since our family visited the cabin! We had a great time together! Baby A had a little bit of a rough start falling down the step to the living room and 2 of stairs up to the sleeping loft, however he didn't go near the stairs the rest of the week!

Jordan built the boys a little fort that they loved! He even let them make a small fire of their very own inside it! Noah called it his little oven!

We made time for a family hike up to Hidden Lake. We ran into Jenny Burke and had a great visit with her. On the way back Baby A totally fell asleep in his pack. He was a sight to see flopping around and totally asleep!

What would a trip to the cabin be with out a "kazoo" ride as Zachery put it! We also ate at 59 Diner, at which Baby A packed away half my bbq pulled pork sandwich! No joke. Drove over to Plain and made our favorite stop at the Hardware Store and of course indulged in a Latte while the kids got to pick out a toy. We also enjoyed the play structure down at the state park.

I learned that small boys who attend a lake vacation need 2 PAIRS OF SHOES EACH! They constantly were getting thier shoes wet, wether on purpose or on accident. Those boys and water were like a moth to the flame! All in all it was such a wonderful time for just our family to be together at the end of a busy season. As usuall it wasn't nearly long enough!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had such a great time. Love all the pics, but especially the one of all 4 boys -- the one w/ A's hand on N's head!
