Friday, July 17, 2009


Noah who is 5 and half years old recently showed me his most recent talent, of which he was most proud. He even went so far as to ask me to sit down and watch his 'show.' Now, if your a guy maybe you have already guessed what's up, are you ready for this--it was making fart noises with his hand in his arm pit! Then, minutes later Zachery asked me to "pull his finger!"

The cacophony of pretend burps, farts, snorts, an other random audible bursts that erupt into a chorus of laughter is a part and parcel of daily life in this house. Of course I did, at one point, ask my husband if this behavior and the apparent joy it created was "normal." So if you were wondering what kind of noise that dirt likes best, I'd put my money on bodily functions!

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