
In July 2010 I took up running. It was something I had wished I could do and one day I decided to quit wishing and start running. What I discovered about running is that it is a lot like life. There are good runs and bad runs, attitude makes all the difference, and you can't give up.  I find I want to talk about it now and again, so I will.

06.08.12 RACES & HUM DRUMS
So last October (2011) I ran my first half marathon, 2:16. I thought that was good. Then this spring, March 17th, 2012 I raced my first 5k. I did a little training for that and finished 26:04. Pretty happy with that time as well. Currently I am having trouble getting my game on. I thought for sure I'd be getting at 10 miles on the weekend by now. This is the first spring or time I have had a hard time being motivated to run!! I am going to chalk it up to the transition we made away from Fousquare and to our own portable church. That was about March - May. So I am hopefull that as the weather begins to get consistent my miles and my motivation will both pick up speed!

07.17.11 STILL GOING
I have been running for one year now. I still love it.  I ran 7 miles Saturday. My new goal is to run a half marathon, at least the number of miles in one. Maybe a race, we'll see, we'll see.

03.12.11 :: HELLO SPRING
Finally my winter slump is over! I have had a couple weeks of running back under my belt. It felt like I had to sorta start over, but not really that bad. Yesterday I ran my first 4 miles of 2011. It was harder than I expected, but I did it and it felt great. My goal this year is six miles, so I am well on my way. My other goal that is beginning to surface and nag me is faster times, and a race. I think I'd like to do a race, but it seems silly to do a race if I'm gonna be last. Right? I don't know.

Today my boy Zachery (5) went running with me. It was more like a slow jog/walk for me, but he was trucking when he was running. We ran and walked a mile together! It was so much fun and I hope he likes it enough to keep at it, but I am not keeping my fingers crossed. It was one day and it was a treasure. The swimming hasn't panned out so I guess I will keep hoping for sunny days and waiting for spring!

12.14.10 :: SWIMMING?!
So winter has as I mentioned before got me out of my running routine, I guess I am not that die hard. I don't like dark coldness. I am hoping that swimming will help fill in the gaps. Jordan and I are looking to get a membership at the Aquatic Center. We will see! We will see!

I knew winter would put a dent in my running. But I didn't really expect it to be this frustrating to me. It seems that I took all summer just to get three miles down and just when I was starting to build on that base--darkness, snow, and cold. UGH. In my attempt to maintain a positive attitude, there is always next spring and summer.

 10.23.10 :: THE BRIDGES 

I started running over the summer. I think it was the middle of July. I didn't even have a distance goal in mind, I just wanted to be a person who runs. However, I couldn't even run to the stop sign that was at the end of my street (.5 mile). I had never run before, never participated in organized sports even, and found my self seriously frustrated that I could not get up one morning and run a mile, fast, with no prior practice, just because I decided I wanted to. I won't even go into the side ache issues.

That is when I realized that I still have some issues with perfectionism. Crippling perfectionism at times (as I realize once again as my oldest has begun taking piano, but that is a post for another day) In a complete departure from my usual self, I didn't quit like I typically do when I can't do something exactly perfect the first time. Instead of trying to figure out how to run myself, I did some research, found a running plan, and started tackling a 3K literately one minute at a time.

Today I ran the bridges. (Which is a loop over 2 bridges, one pictured above, that span the river that separates my town from the next town.) I am making a post of it one, because I am proud of myself, never did I think I would be able to run 4.7 miles let alone over 40 consecutive minutes. Second, it wasn't a perfect run. I didn't do it perfectly in my mind, in my expectation. But in a shout out against perfectionism, I am writing about it anyway. My pace was longer than I wanted. I took a wrong turn and had to stop to figure out how to get back, had to take a phone call from my husband mid run who thought I might be hurt because my phone dialed him on accident without me knowing. But I made it! I completed a run that I have always wanted to be able to do.

Lately, when I am out running, I can't help but wonder what I am letting perfectionism keep me from discovering about my ability, things that maybe I really can do If I try a little harder, don't give up, and press past the fail. Maybe the advent of running in my life will help me run past perfectionism in to a world of a can do attitude. I hope so. I hope so.

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